Thursday, May 12, 2016

How does POLA Teeth-Whitening Work?

POLA tooth-whitening is a fast and effective kind of tooth-whitening that has some great advantages. It's ideal for people with sensitive teeth, and it brightens and whitens teeth affected by a wide range of stains.

How it Works

The active ingredient in the POLA teeth-whitening system is hydrogen peroxide, at a concentration of 37.5% it's strong enough to get teeth looking gorgeously white in just 30 minutes, while most other dentist whitening treatments take around 45 minutes or longer.

During the treatment your dentist will paint the hydrogen peroxide gel onto your teeth, taking care not to get any on your gums. During the 30 minute treatment time, the hydrogen peroxide in the gel breaks down and releases reactive oxygen. The oxygen enters your tooth enamel, and bleaches the substances in the enamel that are causing staining. POLA can effectively lighten most kinds of tooth stains, including stains caused by coffee, tea, and red wine as well as some foods; tobacco; certain medications and medical conditions; injury; and even age.

Minimal Discomfort, Even for People with Sensitive Teeth

Normally this kind of treatment is uncomfortable and even painful, especially for people with sensitive teeth, but thanks to POLA's unique formulation, discomfort is kept to a minimum both during and after the treatment.

• POLA has a built-in desensitizing agent, in the form of potassium nitrate, which penetrates the nerves in teeth and prevents pain signals reaching the brain.
• POLA has a neutral pH, which means less sensitivity during and after treatment.
• A shorter treatment time means less exposure to whitening chemicals, and less discomfort overall.

Long-Lasting Affects You can Touch Up at Home

The results of POLA teeth-whitening last a long time but aren't completely permanent. Your teeth will still be whiter than they would have been without the treatment but over time there will be a little fading. It's easy to touch up your teeth at home with a POLA take-home kit, or just to return to your dentist for another quick professional treatment.

Get POLA Teeth-Whitening at Smile 32 Dentistry

With a total treatment time of just 30 minutes, POLA teeth-whitening is perfect when you need to fit a dental appointment into a busy day. Call us today at Smile 32 Dentistry to make an appointment with Dr. Vakil, and find out why POLA is one of the world's most popular tooth-whitening products!

Thursday, April 28, 2016

Twilight IV Sedation: Should You Try It?

Dentists use different sedation options for a variety of reasons. Sometimes a patient needs to be sedated for a particular procedure, but often it's just about making someone with dental anxiety feel more comfortable. Whatever the reason, light IV sedation, sometimes called twilight sedation, is an option that can help you get through a dental visit in a comfortable and relaxing manner.

To be able to perform twilight sedation in Houston, a dentist needs to meet some educational requirements, according to guidelines provided by the American Dental Association.  This includes completing an advanced education program accredited by the ADA. They also need to follow a number of guidelines outlined by the ADA when they perform sedation on their patients. Dr. Vakil meets or exceeds all of the applicable requirements for performing twilight sedation, so patients who visit Smile 32 Dentistry for sedation dentistry can relax and know that they're in good hands.

How does Twilight Sedation Work?

When you undergo twilight sedation, your dentist administers an intravenous sedative via a vein in your hand or arm. You'll receive the medicine right before the procedure and thanks to the intravenous administration, you'll feel the effects of the drug very quickly.

When you have twilight sedation you feel very relaxed, but you'll still be semi-conscious. You'll be conscious enough that you can answer questions, but the nature of the drugs used for sedation means that you'll only have very limited memories of what happened when you were sedated. Many people don't remember anything at all, just as if they were asleep throughout the procedure.

Twilight sedation is very safe, and it's suitable for use for almost anyone. There are just a few exceptions; for example, women who are pregnant, people with a benzodiazepine allergy, and people with impaired kidney, liver, or lung function, aren't suitable candidates for this kind of sedation.

Is Twilight Sedation for You?

If you feel get anxious of the idea of visiting the dentist and you're avoiding necessary dental treatment as a result of your anxiety—twilight sedation might be just the thing to help you get the treatment you need.

When you choose this kind of dental sedation, it's important to have someone available to take you home afterward, as you won't be able to drive safely.

Call Us at Smile 32 Dentistry to Learn More

At Smile 32 Dentistry in Memorial Houston, we understand how important it is that you feel comfortable and relaxed when you visit us. If you have any questions about Twilight sedation, or any other kind of dental sedation, don't hesitate to call.

Wednesday, July 1, 2015

Welcome to our Smile 32 Dentistry blog!

We're excited to announce the official launch of our Smile 32 Dentistry blog.

We'll be posting helpful dental tips, news from the dental industry, news from our practice, and more about the latest in dentistry.

We built our practice on the notion that we're there for our patients when they need us and we want our online presence to be a reflection of that principle. We hope this blog provides an extra level of service to our current and future patients.

If you would like to stay up to date on the latest from Smile 32 Dentistry, simply click the RSS “Subscribe to feed” link located on our website and subscribe. Our subscribers will be updated when we make a new blog post.

Here's to your best oral health ever!